that's what i am..tired. I've recently been posted to jurong camp as a driver...but, i aint driving as yet. So for now, i am officially a Grade-A* 'sai kang' WARRIOR. We do everything..from repairing cupboards to picking up ALL the dead leaves in and around a carpark that's SURROUNDED by trees. And thats tiring work, trust me. So basically, the army life is the largest contributing factor to my physical tiredness.. But then, there's another kind of tiredness that's getting me down more. It's a kind of mental,emotional,spiritual..combined tiredness. Cos recently, i dunno why but I've started to feel this need to, sort of receive something..instead of giving all the time...Cos being as Christ to others and basically being a Full-Time Christian isn't exactly a very easy or relaxed thing..and being in the army doesn't really help either..its been a really trying time. Its not that i've not been receiving at all...i have. But something seems to be lacking...and after much thinking, i think I've figured out what it was..something that would 'satisfy' my need right now.. Simply put, I need to be loved. I mean, yes, i've been loved by the Lord all my life...especially through the pple he has placed around me... But i feel that that's different. I am human after all.. so i do tend to need specialised love and attention.. I think i need a girlfriend! hahaha! I know that that we have to turn to the Lord at all times.. we gotta draw strength from Him. And I have been trying. And my prayer right now would be that he answer it by working through someone/ sending someone my way to 'recharge my batteries', so to speak. But I'm just gonna try and chill right now..take a step back and relax, if i can... with the knowledge that He's gonna handle the situation in a way that's best for me. Grant me peace and rest Lord. Amen.
God Bless all of us ; )
3:05 AM
Edward Isaac
22 =)
Youth Liturgy Ministry, CTK